Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Still fat

Yes, that's right!  Almost 11 months from the last post written on this blog and I am still fat! 

Although, I have lost 15 pounds since February and I joined a bootcamp last week so I'm trying!  The bootcamp is rough and I feel like an elephant when I run...This is a baby bootcamp so Cooper is in his stroller while I'm exercising.  I look at him for inspiration when I feel like I'm dying.  I so want him to only remember a healthy me.  He'll still have the pics of the fat me but I want him to have the healthy me around for a long, long time so that we can take a bunch of new pics together. 

So, I'm back on this blog....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jen's food log for August 25, 2010

Eh, I was recovering from my root canal so I'm a day late reporting my eating deeds...

Breakfast: Oatmeal (which is much better than what I remember eating when I was a kid!)
Lunch: A salad with chicken from Chick-fil-a
Dinner:  shrimp and polenta

I've gotten pretty good about not snacking between meals which has always been difficult for me in the past.  I'm down 4 pounds since Monday.  The real test will be this weekend.  Our mom's night out (mom's club) is at one of my favorite restaurants and I can already taste the gaucamole on my tongue!  I've decided to skip the drinking though to preserve the calories for the yummy food! 

My hubby bought me one of those bike trailers that kids can seat in so I plan on getting us on the trail very soon!  It also converts into a jogging stroller so we'll have some fun together on our new toy!

Well, Cooper and I are going to go eat breakfast on the patio now.  I'm really enjoying these crisp 70ish degree mornings this week!  I can't wait to get Cooper outside more once the fall gets here!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jen's food log August 24, 2010

I'm trying really hard to not eat after 6 as my mother-in-law swears that this is the holy grail of dieting.  I'm going to take her advice this time and being an exile from the kitchen...

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: A salad with chicken
Dinner: A grilled cheese sandwich and a yogurt

I was down 2 pounds from's all psychological as I know this isn't *real* weight loss...

Aimee's food post :(

Ok here we go...Yesterday---
Breakfast--got soooo caught up in cleaning forgot to eat-Before you say it "Breakfast starts your metabolism", blah,blah,blah---I honestly just forgot!

Lunch--ate 1/2 container of Pasta salad---

Dinner--potato topped sloppy joe casserole.  I know does not sound healthy but I made with turkey meat.  If anyone knows me they know anything besides ground beef for me is a step in right direction:)

Okay---I did eat again at 8:30---bad,bad,bad--promise will try not and do again...

Water and Weight loss

The Today show ran a piece this morning about drinking water and weight loss...hmmm, sounds easy enough!  This new study has shown that drinking two glasses of water before eating a meal has shown to save 75-90 calories!  Basically, the water is just taking up space in your stomach which tells your brain to stop eating sooner...

Give up carbs way in Hades but I can drink 2 glasses of water before eating!

Here is the link to the study if you would like to read it:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jen's food log for 8/23/10

Breakfast: oatmeal
Lunch: salad and tortilla roll-up with turkey meat
Dinner:  turkey burgers with mustard (no bun) and side salad

I weigh exactly what I weighed this morning after all of this...I know the weight that I lose right now will be water weight but that's alright!  I meant to exercise today but Cooper refused to take a serious nap!  Hopefully, I can get some time tomorrow to get on the treadmill, at least...


Our mission is to become physically fit not for the world but for ourselves!  We both have young children and we want to be examples of health and not laziness.  We were both skinny girls that grew into women that love all the wrong foods and just plain too tired   lazy to exercise.  It's time for a change! 

Jen's story

I was 130 pounds when I graduated from college in 2002 and I thought I was huge!  You don't notice the pounds and inches, or maybe you do but chose to ignore them.  You buy the next larger size swearing to yourself that the diet will start on Monday. 

I was 147 pounds when I got married in 2006 but oddly I had become comfortable in my skin.  I was wearing a size 10-12 but justified it with the fact that a size 12 is the size of most american women.  In 2008, I lost my daughter, Lily, at 23 weeks gestation and this is when my weight started to spiral out of control.  I didn't care and ate whatever and whenever the desire arouse.  I got pregnant with my son in April 2009 and then used him as an excuse to eat even more!  My current weight is 205.  I'm mortified of where my body is today.  My knees and hips hurt.  My ankles pop when I walk accross the room and I now have plantar flacitis in both feet. 

I know that I don't want my son's memories to include an unhealthy mother and I have to get serious for him.  I have to be here for him.  This isn't just about me anymore.

My weight loss goal is 60 pounds.  Prayers and words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated! 

Aimee's story

Okay here I go.  My whole rollercoaster started when I was 18.  I got pregnant with my first daughter and took the line "eating for two" WAY too literally.  I had people asking my sister if I was pregnant or just getting really fat!  I was 119 pounds when I first found out I was pregnant.  By the time I had her at 36 weeks I weighed 170!  She was only a 4.7 pound baby!!!  I have tried to get down to 135 since then but two more daughters later the closest I ever got was 144 pounds.  That weight loss did not last too long at all.  I am wanting to change my habits for my girls sake.  My husbands family has weight issues also that makes it a double chance that they will grow up like us.  I do not want my daughters to think this is ok...I curently weight 167 and my weight loss goal is 25-30 pounds.